المدونة الغير رسمية لمعلومات مباشر

      تعاملات اعضاء مجلس الادارة                               الشاشة اللحظية للبورصة المصرية                            شهادات الايداع الدولية  

     اخبار البورصة المصرية                                     الدعم والمقاومة للاسهم المصرية   

3rd CSR Forum in Governorates on 2 December 2018

3rd CSR Forum in Governorates


2 December 2018 , TOLIP Royal Hotel – Alexandria


Alexandria is hosting the third round of the CSR Forum in Egyptian Governorates, which will be held under distinguished government patronage on 2 December 2018 at the Royal Tolip Hotel. The forum aims at creating an integration between the efforts exercised by the government, business community and civil society organizations to achieve actual development in the Egyptian governorates. CSR Egypt is organizing this event to ensure the continuity of the participation and cooperation between the development stakeholders, in addition to developing integrated development plans with a priority to improve the quality of Egyptian citizens’ life and revive the economic situation. And for the first time, the forum will host a roundtable that gathers all stakeholders to discuss the methods of integration, as well as shedding light on the needs of each party. The forum will also discussing how to maximize the potential and competitive advantages of each governorate, and the future of local and foreign investment in the region, in addition to highlighting the mechanisms of attracting investments to participate in local development programs in the region, as well as improving the conditions of the community through studying a number of proposals for the development of infrastructure and service sectors. Furthermore, the forum will shed light on the effective role of NGOs in achieving a balanced development in each governorate, in addition to optimizing its resources and untapped potentials. It will also discuss means of choosing the right success partners and importance of developing key performance indicators. The forum will be attended by more than 500 experts and social work stakeholders, including: businessmen, investors, government representatives and NGOs representatives.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet:
Dr. Abdul Aziz Qansua
Governor of Alexandria
Major General Hamza Darwish
Head of the Minister of Local Development Office
Judge Mohamed Abdel Karim
President of the Egyptian Appeal Court
Mr. Mohsen Adel
Chairman of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones
Eng. Hossam Farid
Advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry for Small and Micro Enterprises and Entrepreneurship
Dr. Sherif Delawar
Economic Expert
Eng. Marwan El Sammak
Chairman, Ship Crew
Eng. Mohamed Sabry
Chairman of the Alexandria Businessmen Association
MP Samir El Batikhy
Representative of the Industry Committee, the Egyptian Parliament.
Dr. El Sayed El Seify
Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University
Eng. Hossam Saleh
Chief Operations Officer, Egyptian Media
Dr. Ehab Shalaby
Chairman of DCarbon Company
Ms.Rim Siam
President of the Egyptian Economic Council for Businesswomen
Dr. Omaima El Sheikh
Chairman of the Special Needs Committee, Rotary
Mr.Marwan El-Shayeb
Business Development Director at SWVL Egypt
Mr. Mostafa Hassan
Product Marketing Manager - Forasna

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ملخص مباشر اليومي - سوق الأسهم السعودية

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128 14
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